Intel Earnings: What To Expect?
What we can expect from Intel's earnings tomorrow.
Amnah is Economist by profession with over 10 years of writing experience. She loves to bring insights to readers by informing, educating and empowering them.
2020-07-22 13:41

Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), priced at $60.70, has shown ups and downs in its share price in the last 6 months at the stock exchange. This was during the time the markets were hit by the corona upset, which affected the stock market adversely. While many companies exhibited extreme volatility at the stock exchange during this time, Intel held firm ground, showing less variation in its stock. The company currently has a market cap of $257.00 billion, which is above reasonable value, a P/E ratio of 11.75 and dividend yield of 2.17%, which are numbers worthy of your time and attention.

Keeping this in mind, we move to the next question: Is Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) a company worthy of your time and investment?

The answer is yes, because Intel is a well-grounded company with very well-established roots in the market. It is also expected to beat revenue earnings and expectations tomorrow, as well as in Quarter 3 and Quarter 4. Furthermore, in the coming run, when the markets recover, Intel will have a lot to boast. The company has a number of changes in its manufacturing and production in the pipeline. It is already the largest chip maker and it will only have a lot to showcase in the coming few years.

Intel Earnings: What To Expect?

What To Expect?

Due to report its Q2 earnings tomorrow, Thursday, it is expected that Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) will outperform Street’s revenue expectations. This is because of Intel’s ASP and shipment growth figures. Investors should also be looking at the company’s segment financials, listen to the company’s management outlook for Quarter 3 and its new 10nm ramp, which will be the biggest contributors to its production, growth and financials. Furthermore, investors should also look at its desktop SKU and when it will enter volume production to get good numbers on its 3rd and 4th Quarter revenue and earnings.

Positive earnings and reports are expected of Intel tomorrow. Factors that could contribute positively to Intel’s earnings and revenue is PC shipment growth and a strong demand of work-from-home and demand for e-learning needs. These two factors would increase the demand of laptops and PCs and Intel chips are found in most of them. Furthermore, the company’s change in products and introduction of the 10nm nodes is going to reflect positively to the company’s growth and output in the remainder of the year. With good fundamentals and growth perspective, Intel is a company worthy of your time and investment. Intel's stock is up 3% in the last week.

Disclaimer: Writer has no positions in any of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All information should be independently verified and should not be relied upon for purposes of transacting securities or other investments. See terms for more info.

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Published On
2020-07-22 13:41

About the Author
Amnah is Economist by profession with over 10 years of writing experience. She loves to bring insights to readers by informing, educating and empowering them.

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