Inflation Unraveled, a New Economic Normal
As the economy adjusts to a new normal with higher inflation rates and businesses leveraging their power to raise prices without consumer resistance, both consumers and policy makers must adapt their strategies to navigate the shifting landscape.
Staff or Guest writer for The Dog of Wall Street.
2023-05-20 11:30

There's a new and somewhat unnerving trend rising in the financial sector, and it's well past the time we stopped to analyze it. Are you familiar with the recent shift where a 4% to 5% inflation rate is being perceived as the new normal? No? Well, then buckle up, as we're about to embark on a deep dive into this curious economic quirk.
Inflation Unraveled, a New Economic Normal
For those of us who've been following the trend lines, this change may not be a huge surprise. Companies have been sneakily pushing up their prices, and here's the kicker: they're not experiencing any major pushback from consumers. It's like watching a chess game where pawns are advancing unhindered, unchallenged. An uncanny game, if you will.

Why is this happening, you ask? Consumers, buoyed by an uptick in wages and strong job growth, are not resisting price hikes like they used to. Imagine going to your favorite grocery store and seeing a noticeable hike in prices. Once upon a time, you'd have second thoughts, perhaps consider trying a different store. But, much to the surprise of economists and businesses alike, that's not the case anymore.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is involved in its own version of a hawks versus doves squabble. The disagreement? Predictably, it's about inflation. Both camps acknowledge that inflation is higher than anticipated, stalling stubbornly around the 5% mark without any signs of a downward journey. The difference in opinion boils down to patience: do we wait and see if inflation cools down, or do we take action now?

Think about it like deciding when to ice a cake fresh out of the oven. Do you wait for the cake (the economy, in our case) to naturally cool down or risk a potential mess by putting the icing (policy changes) on too soon? While the 'doves' advocate for patience, hoping the heat of inflation will subside on its own, the 'hawks' aren't so sure. Their worry? Inflation, like an overcooked cake, might become a tough nut to crack if left unattended for too long.

In this era where inflation has seemingly slipped the leash, there's an alarming cultural shift occurring within companies. The practice of refraining from price hikes, once a cornerstone of business ethics, is eroding. The cat is out of the bag, and companies, realizing their newfound power to increase prices without facing backlash, are making the most of it. It's a seismic shift, akin to the discovery that the Earth isn't the center of the Universe. And yes, it's just as disconcerting.

As we look ahead to the Fed's meeting in June, there's an expectation of a 'pause'. Much like the calm before a storm, this pause could herald significant decisions, especially regarding the cost-leadership strategies of businesses. Economic data continue to stream in, and each data point nudges the scales, tilting the probability towards an imminent policy shift.

However, there's a curveball: a rise in jobless claims, potentially indicating a cooling off in the labor market. In our cake analogy, this is the point when you think you see the cake starting to sag in the middle. You're not sure yet, but it's certainly enough to make you think twice before you start preparing the icing.

In this new world where a 5% inflation rate is the norm and businesses freely increase prices, it's time for everyone, consumers, economists, and the Federal Reserve alike, to re-evaluate their strategies. So let's keep our eyes open, stay informed, and brace ourselves for what comes next. Because, just like in that chess game, it's always wise to anticipate your opponent's next move.

Disclaimer: I have no positions in any of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All information should be independently verified and should not be relied upon for purposes of transacting securities or other investments. See terms for more info.

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Published On
2023-05-20 11:30

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Staff or Guest writer for The Dog of Wall Street.

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