About the Author
Mike graduated with double major of English and Economics. Part time writer, part time investor, full time dad. Mike loves writing about technology, sports, and investing.

Tesla Stock (TSLA): Look Who's Back!
I’m cautiously optimistic but I’m at the point where I need to see it to believe it.
By Mike Sakuraba | 2 months ago

2 Earnings To Pay Attention to Next Week
Since big tech is the theme, you probably know what I have my eyes on for next week.
By Mike Sakuraba | 2 months ago

2 Stocks to Watch Below $10
Here are two stocks that are currently less trading in the single digits that I believe have some relative upside from their current prices.
By Mike Sakuraba | 2 months ago

2 Stocks to Load Up On During This Correction
Another volatile week for markets and investors are starting to feel a little uncomfortable.
By Mike Sakuraba | 3 months ago

Looking Ahead to Tesla's Earnings: What Can We Expect?
Is there any stock that has been more talked about than Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) as of late? It’s a company that is always in the spotlight but the stock is under some heavy scrutiny this year and deservedly so.
By Mike Sakuraba | 3 months ago

Should We Buy This Dip in NVDA and Semis?
On Friday, the semiconductor industry finally saw its bubble burst. Many have been calling for a reset in prices on semiconductor stocks and we definitely got one.
By Mike Sakuraba | 3 months ago

2 Earnings to Watch for Next Week
This article is merely meant to talk about two companies that I’ll have my eyes on for earnings.
By Mike Sakuraba | 3 months ago

2 Stocks That Could Explode in Q2
Here are two stocks that I think could explode in the second quarter.
By Mike Sakuraba | 3 months ago

2 Trillion Dollar Companies in the Making
One thing for certain about these two companies is that I see the potential in how they can grow.
By Mike Sakuraba | 3 months ago

Is Tesla Back? Has TSLA Stock Finally Bottomed?
Tesla Stock Analysis: Robo Taxis to the Rescue?
By Mike Sakuraba | 3 months ago